Every story needs a character to revolve around, and a world for them to inhabit. So, to get started on your adventure, let’s create the unique character that is going to go on this journey. Feel free to let your imagination run wild and craft a persona that really resonates with you. Your character is not set in stone and can evolve with you as we proceed through this course. Do keep in mind, however, that the better you understand your character, the smoother your journey will unfold.

Choose Your:


Every character has a species, or a group from which they descend. You are free to choose whichever you would like, but a few examples would include Humans, Elves, Dwarfs, Orcs, or Faries.


Their ability could be obvious, like a fighter may have strength, or perhaps he gains advantage by being dexterous. Abilities include Charisma, Constitution, Dexterity Intelligence, Strength, and Wisdom. Choose one.


A characters class briefly describes what your character is best at, and implies what kind of skills they have at their disposal. Common ones would include Fighters, Wizards, Witches, Clerics, and Rogues.


While a character’s species, class,  profession, and abilities can tell you a lot about a character, keeping in mind what environment they inhabit can also influence little, but important, details about them.


While a character’s Class may describe general aptitude, their profession tell us what your character specializes in. A fighter, for example, could be a mercenary for higher, or a knight that serves a king.

Gear or Equipment

By having a clear picture of who your character is, what they do, and where they live you can determine the items they are likely to keep on their person. These could relate to their profession, or their backstory.


To what depths you explore this character is up to you, though the efforts you dedicate to this process can significantly enhance the journey ahead. Different elements you may wish to consider would be your characters general demeanor, their place in society, and the kind of relationships they have with friends and family. Think about what traits they might have, where their moral compass points, and what types of things motivate them. Additionally, maybe your character has an animal companion that will join them on their journey, or has a familiar that serves at their side.  These elements can bring a richness and authenticity to your character and the world they inhabit.