The Assignment

Part One

Review the two pages under Warming Up: Stretching and Drawing. Read through those two resources at least once to absorb what they have to say and to give you an opportunity to figure out what information is Primary Information, and what is Secondary Information.

The majority of your notes should be comprised of Primary Information as that is the more important content under these two titles. However, if you do choose to include any Secondary Information, make it clear by putting a hashtag before that section in your notes, just for this assignment. This will provide proof that you understood the difference between the two. Below you can find an example of what your notes may look like when you are all done. 

Post a copy of your notes inside of the community in your Sketchbook over in the Draw Daily Guildhall, a link is provided at the top of this page if you have not yet joined.

Part Two

Go to the Discord Community and enter into general art talk where, in your own words, I want you to describe the benefits of the warm up exercises that you learned about today. Being able to clearly state an idea in your own words shows that you have fully grasped the information you are learning. That means you’ve put your studying skills to the test and did so successfully!

Inside of the Discord community you can tag me @michaelakatrina if you have any questions or need help.

Or you can email me at if you have questions, concerns, advice, whatever. I’d love to hear from you!

What Good Notes Might Look Like: